I’m Sorcha, creator and founder of Rooted Resolutions. My work with Rooted has come straight from my heart, and so I’d like to share a little bit of my story with you…

I’ve had a long-lasting love for all things wellness that began 10 years ago, when I first found yoga. It was a homecoming. My yogic and spiritual practice taught me how to really listen, how to hold space for emotions and how to lead from the heart. But it also led me back to one universal truth: everything you will ever need, all the answers, everything you seek, you already have within yourself. And so, over time, I came to understand that the relationship I had with myself, set the tone for every other relationship I had in my life.

I then went on to train as a Mediator with the Mediator’s Institute of Ireland, completing my Masters Degree in Mediation and Conflict Intervention at Maynooth University. By the end of my studies, I felt as if my world had completely opened up. As an individual, my communication had become more open and meaningful, my resilience had deepened, and I felt more mental and emotional clarity than ever before.

Looking back now, I can see what was happening. I was being given practical, tangible tools that helped me navigate through life’s most challenging situations with kindness, integrity and respect. And not only was I finding a new way of being with others, I was finding a new way of being with myself.

I knew these two worlds of wellness and conflict resolution collided somewhere. Both gave me an in-road to deeply knowing myself.

Yoga allowed me to feel when, where, and how I carried emotion, and my conflict skills gave me the language to voice it. Yoga gave me a center of kindness and compassion, and my work as a mediator thrived because of it. And yoga showed me true authentic empathy, seeing yourself in others - a key ingredient when it comes to healthy, positive relationships.

And so, I began to build Rooted Resolutions with the intention that these learnings could extend beyond my own experience. That this work could filter into schools, workplaces, communities and families and bring us all a little closer together.

It’s my absolute joy to bring it to you and I hope that together, we can make that happen.

Le Grá,
Sorcha x