Navigating Conflict for Professionals
Financially and Relationally.
The truth is, conflict costs.
Conflict takes a toll on our workplaces. It affects productivity, decision making, absenteeism, turnover - and more importantly - our capacity to connect, collaborate, innovate, and grow.
By providing individuals with the skills and tools to identify, navigate and communicate constructively in conflict, we support the development of trustworthy, responsible, empowered and accountable workplace relationships.
This allows for constructive and transformational conflict management, without taxing company resources to reach resolution.
“No corporation can thrive in the absence of creativity, innovation and learning, and the greatest threat to all three of these is disengagement. To reignite creativity, innovation and learning, leaders must rehumanise work.”
Brené Brown, Author of Dare to Lead
At Rooted Resolutions, we believe in the importance of human connection at work.
In the face of conflict, our ability to connect to each other becomes threatened, and in the process, our ability to collaborate, relate to one another, and innovate becomes compromised.
With this in mind, we deliver impactful workshops, providing your team with transformative conflict resolution skills and simple conversation frameworks to help them communicate more authentically, relate more thoughtfully, and reimagine difficult situations into opportunities for growth and collaboration.
By encouraging safe, inclusive and authentic expression amongst our people, we help to build innovative, creative and courageous environments within our organisations.
For more information on our workshops, please get in touch.